Clients who come in with issues relating to Trauma often have many of the following associated symptoms:
· High levels of anxiety and are hyper vigilant
· Sleep disturbances and insomnia
· Depressive episodes
· Anger management issues
· Addictive &/or compulsive behaviors
· Poor emotional and behavioral regulation
· Low tolerance for discomfort
· Low frustration tolerance
· Revivification (flash backs)
We assist clients in learning how to make distinctions about:
· What is a realistic threat and what are unrealistic threats
· What they imagine, and what is actually happening
· Which thoughts/feelings they should listen to, and which ones they should ignore
· Which thoughts they have are valid, and which are not
· Difference between what is probable and what is possible
· What they control and what they don’t or can’t control
· What they imagine, and what is actually happening
· How they can determine who they can trust and who they cannot